I have had a desire to create differently than I have been for the past several years. I have been distracted by everyday life thinking tomorrow I will start, next week maybe... Now it's turned into years. I have been fearful in starting because I'm not sure of my artistic abilities anymore. No more excuses I'm going to jump in with both feet! In the words of Arther Ashe, "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."
For 2014 I have created an art challenge to help me make time to create, discover what I can do, and find the artistic part of me again!
Here is the challenge, join me if you feel a similar need. Make your own rules and guidelines but most of all have fun. I am excited for this challenge and this year!
My 100 day art challenge for 2014, rules and guidlines:
1-Spend 100 days during the year working on something artistic (At least an hour per time, that's about 2 days per week.)
2-Use any type of medium.
3-Need to stay in a $100.00 budget for supplies for the whole year, "use what I have", be creative!
4-Projects can be small or large, it can also just be an exercize to learn techniques and expand my skills.
5-Journal and Blog about my experience.
Wish me luck! I hope you find more time to create too!